Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Websites and Design for Print

Double S Design enjoys a reputation built upon providing a quality service to clients. In order for us to ensure the continued smooth running of this service, we draw your attention to the following Terms and Conditions.

  1. Amendments to text
    Drafts presented to the client will be proof read to ensure the draft corresponds to the material provided by the client. Any typographical errors made by Double S Design will be corrected by us without charge. Any changes to the original text requested by the client will be made at the client’s expense.
  2. Proof reading
    As an additional service beyond the basic quality check as outlined in point 1 above, Double S Design can provide specific proof reading to check grammar, punctuation and consistency subject to client’s approval. A separate quotation will be provided on request.
  3. Copy
    A charge may be made to cover any additional work involved where copy supplied is not clear or legible. Text supplied on disk must be in the specific format, any other format may result in additional costs. Double S Design will not re-write the copy provided.
  4. Changes to brief
    The Design Studio may charge additional costs to the final bill if the client instructs further changes to original requirements which involve additional visuals, ideas, concepts, and raw materials or artwork being required.
  5. Property
    Visuals remain the property of Double S Design if the client does not follow through to final printing, or a website going ‘live’.  Source code created by Double S Design for websites is the property of Double S Design and would need to be purchased if the files were to be passed to the client; excludes Open Source Code. The photographic stocks purchased by the studio are licensed to Double S Design. Any graphics, photography or images created by Double S Design are the property of Double S Design until paid. If any of the above are being used without payment, they will need to be removed from the client’s website.
  6. VAT
    Double S Design is not Registered for VAT.
  7. Legal Matters
    Double S Design will not knowingly produce any matter which is, or may be, of an illegal or libellous nature or an infringement of the proprietary or other rights of any third party. Any material submitted by clients to the Design Studio will be assumed to have copyright clearance from the appropriate persons.
  8. Delivery
    Double S Design will endeavour to deliver the goods on the estimated delivery date, but will not be liable for any damage or claims of any kind in respect of delay to delivery due to circumstances beyond our control.
  9. Artwork Approval
    Artwork Approval, prior to printing or making a website ‘live’, will involve the client’s checking of the artwork for final amendments. If after clearance of artwork, any omission of text or anomalies are found on the printed material, the cost to amend such a situation will be the responsibility of the client. If the client chooses not to check the final artwork, any omission of text or anomalies found on the printed material, the cost to amend such a situation will be the responsibility of the client. If after clearance of content on a website any omissions of text or anomalies will be made by the agreed timescale. Even if data has been supplied to us on disk or emailed, artwork/copy proof must be read carefully as errors can occur during data transfer.
  10. Colour Accuracy
    Any colour laser proofs supplied as visuals may not be 100% colour accurate. Final colour accuracy will be confirmed with printed proofs.
  11. Payment
    Double S Design will invoice 50% up front on most projects and the remaining fees on completion of the project, the final Double S Design invoice will be sent to the client. Payment strictly 30 days unless otherwise stated.
  12. Storage
    All computer-generated work will be stored on disk for five years. Client’s wishing to keep material longer than this must make arrangement with us. Unless told otherwise, work over five years old may be deleted. Work can be supplied to the client on disk at an additional cost. Design artwork/films will be stored for a maximum, of five years.
  13. Cancellation
    Cancellation of a project by the client may lead to a cancellation fee, the amount of which will be in accordance with the stage the project has reached. Logo Design 50% up front fee is non-returnable.
  14. In entering into this contract the client acknowledges their obligations to Double S Design.

  1. If required, Double S Design will host the Client’s website on a UK Cloud Host and will manage the environment. Double S Design owns the hosting and the client understands that access via FTP will not be granted without prior written consent by Double S Design.
  2. Plugin Updates
    Double S Design will keep plugins and WordPress Core up to date for an annual fee. If the client wishes to forgo this service, Double S Design will not be liable for any security breaches caused by out of date plugins or WordPress versions. A fee will be charged to rectify any breaches of security.
  3. Malware
    Double S Design will not be liable for any malware attacks caused by breach of hosting security.
  4. Additions to site
    The client will not add plugins to the site, but request that Double S Design investigate the most suitable and up to date plugin to perform the function needed. The client will not change the theme or create a new site on the hosting without express consent from Double S Design. The client agrees to change content only, that is photos, images, text, articles and videos and no other settings within the website.
  5. Administrator Access
    Double S Design will grant the client Admin access to the back-end of the website in order to allow the client to develop content or plugin functionality that would otherwise be hidden at Editor access. The client will not down-grade Double S Design’s Admin access or add or change any user accounts associated with the website.
  6. Backups
    The website will be backed up daily on the server and manual backups taken quarterly. Old manual backups resident on the site will be removed.
  7. In entering into this contract the client acknowledges their obligations to Double S Design.