SiteOrigin Page Builder Vs Gutenberg Page Builder Site Origin vs Gutenberg

SiteOrigin Page Builder Vs Gutenberg Page Builder

When I first started creating websites in WordPress I had trouble laying out a page in a nicely designed structure using columns and rows. I was able to do this in good old HTML, but WordPress was trickier. It required the use of a plugin to help create a neat and tidy website. There are […]

Why you should update WordPress Core and Plugins Core Updates

Why you should update WordPress Core and Plugins

Leaving updates too long causes problems If you are a site owner and look after your website yourself, did your web designer inform you about keeping the site up to date? If not and you didn’t realise why you should update WordPress Core and Plugins, then you could be onto a problem. This problem can […]

How putting creative and technical skills together gives businesses a great start online creative-technology-header

How putting creative and technical skills together gives businesses a great start online

You probably know Soo by her red spiky hair and may have seen her running activities on social media. However, there’s probably a few things you don’t know about her, so here goes! The Background After qualifying in graphic design Soo worked on The Snowman film in London, also other films, animated adverts and even […]

The case of the disappearing web designer web-dev-gone-featured

The case of the disappearing web designer

Has your website disappeared or is falling apart? And your web designer along with it? You may be suffering from the case of the disappearing web designer! Fortunately it doesn’t happen too often, but it still does happen; you engage a web designer or developer to create a fabulous website for you, but a year […]